Solving your daily
problems you advance along the tortuous path leading to
Do not run away from your destiny; its fulfillment is invariable and cannot be postponed, and the fact that you don't accept what happens to you with courage and resignation won't change your fate; accept it, thus, with joy and happiness, because it is guiding you towards your own perfection.
If you allow yourself to harm others, you are accepting that the others cause you pain. If you want to avoid it, do not harm anybody.
如果你想傷害別人,你就要知道別人也會讓你受到傷害。 避免別人傷害你,就不要傷害別人。
Do not accept help from others unless it is necessary at that moment in your life; once the problem is resolved and you are again in a comfortable position, do not forget that favour they did for you and pay it back. In this way, you will be able to continue on your foreseen path without any attachment nor debt, and in absolute freedom.
Learn to love nature. If you cannot find it where you live, go often out of your urban area and walk in silence and solitude among the trees, mountains or beaches. Nothing else provides the mind with peace and quiet.
Try to help each day at least a person. It doesn't have to be something complicated; a smile or placing your hand on someone's shoulder is enough, or lending an ear to someone who needs to be heard.
You yourself will live in a paradise when you help others to live in a paradise as well. And likewise, you yourself will live in hell if, because of you, someone is living in hell.
Heaven or hell exist only in the mind of each individual, and each soul will get one or the other according to the actions each soul has made and is making in the present moment. In the end, it is only about a state of consciousness, where the satisfaction or remorse are what generates the one or the other.
天堂和地獄只存在於每個人的思想中,並且每個靈魂將通過自己靈魂對現在生活得付出來獲得其中的一個(天堂或者地獄)。最終,這個只是一種意識形態,是滿足還是懊惱 —— 是天堂,還是地獄。
Most people feel unhappy because they amplify the small inconveniences that come their way. An inconvenience will become a problem the moment we lose the determination to solve it, and we allow ourselves to feel dispirited. It is simply about changing the attitude of "I can't" to one of "I am going to solve it."
Humanity's biggest ill is the selfishness; it is the main generator of all tribulations suffered by humanity. Suppress the ego's hegemony and you will obtain an incomparable inner peace and joy.
The ulterior truth is that you suffer because you think that you are apart. The world traps you with its illusion that you are a being apart from the whole from the moment you are born, and it depends on you to make the required effort to open your eyes to the truth that we, all souls of Creation, are One, apart only in appearance.
The good and the bad are only relative -- they depend on each person. It is better to learn the difference between true and false. Escape from the world of false appearances, and anchor yourself firmly on the truth. And if you ask, what is the truth, the answer to this question will be found solely within you.
Spend some moments daily to go within yourself, and extract from within the strength to keep on going with perseverance and trust in yourself.
Source: Kublai Khan
Channel: Kris Won
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